Wednesday, June 1, 2016

All About Anxiety

It's confusing and frustrating, it can really disrupt everyday life, hinder productivity and accountability, and even damage personal relationships. Maybe you've most often encountered it in discussions about medication, specifically medicinal marijuana, or SSRIs like Zoloft, Prozac, or Lexapro (to name just a few of many).

It's more than just stress. It's anxiety.

You know what it is, you've felt it before and maybe you even live with some type of anxiety disorder: general anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder... Or maybe you don't personally experience anxiety disorder, but you know someone who does.

In today's post, I'm going to write very frankly about anxiety from my own personal perspective and toss in some scientific research about anxiety and medications. I'll also hand out free unsolicited advice about how to deal with anxiety in yourself and in others. I hope some of this is helpful in creating better understanding about anxiety, and I totally absolutely welcome discussion in the comments!