Sunday, May 29, 2016

There and Back Again... plus Tips for Road Trips!

We've landed! And by "landed" I mean we drove out from Oregon to California for 12 hours, stayed at my mom's house and watched my baby sister GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL, and then got back in the car and drove another 10 hours to get home. And now here we are, slowly trying to piece back together our normal, everyday lives... I have been a bit more mindful during this trip, and I've been trying to be more intentional in enjoying these whirlwind jaunts up and down the I-5 corridor. Here are some tips for getting the most *joy* out of sitting in a car for hours.

Here's us, just as we're hitting the road. I don't know why I make that face, but get used to it, because it's basically my preferred way to take selfies. We were only one hour behind on when we had planned to leave and for us, that's great! Which brings us to...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Road Trip Weekend! and On Being an Overplanner (and Steven Universe)

We are on the road this weekend to visit my California family and celebrate my little sister's high school graduation! Also, I've been a little obsessed with Steven Universe lately, so right now I've got this playing in my head:

(p.s. Steven Universe = LIFE)