Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Introducing Comic Synopsis!

It's safe to say I am a VORACIOUS reader. I go through phases where I pretty much just live inside of books and I spend my spare time doing things like going to work and taking care of my physical body. But, during those times, my world is inside whatever book has captivated me. Other book-lovers will know this: there's nothing like the rush of getting deeply sucked into a book, and nothing like the thrill of racing toward the end mixed with the dread of losing the world you grow to love.

Books have always been my steadfast companions and tools that have soothed me when I've been at my lowest lows. It's no coincidence that my reading pace picks up dramatically during the winter. Books keep my imagination working, even when it seems like everything else in me is broken. I'd like to honor my love of books by sharing my thoughts and reviews of what I read on my Goodreads. But, as with most things, I've found that the best and most funnest way for me to share my ideas has not necessarily been through writing, but through drawing...

And so, without too much further ado, I present to you my genius invention of Comic Synopsis! I think what I find cumbersome about book reviews is not sharing my thoughts and opinions, so much as writing a summary of the books I read as a way to entice others to read it... I guess I feel like books can literally and literary (HA!) stand on their own, without my trying to make them sound interesting. So, comic synopsis is my short cut for book summaries. They may sometimes seem like strange interpretations- such as my version of The Cat in the Hat to honor Dr. Seuss's birthday today- but they come from a place of deep, unshakable, bibliophilia.

Check it out every Wednesday and Saturday on:
Tapastic, Webtoons, Tumblr, and Patreon (and also here, on my blog)

Starting this Saturday, I will be updating the Book Reviews section of this blog with reviews that include Comic Synopsises (synopses?) Let me know what you think, subscribe if you like them, make a request to have a book synopsised comically, or just tell me a funny joke :D

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